7 Foods You Should Always Avoid (and Their Healthier Alternatives)

Hey Angels and Alphas,

When wandering through the grocery store, it’s easy to reach for convenient, processed foods without thinking about their impact on our health.

Often, these items are filled with hidden sugars, unhealthy fats, and unnecessary additives.

Today, we’re breaking down seven common foods to avoid and suggesting healthier alternatives to replace them with.

Let’s dive in.

1. Modified Starches

Modified starches are commonly used as fillers in processed foods. They are highly refined and can spike blood sugar levels more than regular sugar. These starches add bulk to products without providing nutritional value. Look for natural starches like butternut squash, beets, plantains, or purple potatoes for a healthier alternative.

2. Liquid Sugar: Soda and Juice

Many people know soda is unhealthy, but did you know fruit juice can be just as bad? Both contain high amounts of sugar. Even orange juice often includes added sugars and lacks the nutrients found in whole fruit. Juice concentrates can be stored for up to a year, making them far from fresh. This refined sugar, devoid of fiber and other nutrients, can deplete your body’s reserves and spike blood sugar levels. Instead, opt for water or naturally flavored sparkling water which contains fewer additives.

3. Processed Cheese Products

Cheese products that melt easily on your nachos are often far from real cheese. In the U.S., if a product contains less than 51% cheese, it can’t legally be called cheese. These products often include ingredients like skim milk, canola oil, modified food starch, and preservatives. They may melt well, but they’re not providing the nutritional benefits of real cheese. Stick to natural cheese or those made from real, minimally processed ingredients.

4. Protein Bars

Protein bars might seem like a healthy snack, but SOME are worse than candy bars. They often contain soy protein isolate, high levels of sugar, and other highly processed ingredients. Popular brands like Clif Bars and Kind Bars can contain up to 47 grams of sugar per bar, along with artificial sweeteners and unhealthy oils. For a healthier protein boost, choose boiled eggs, natural cheese, or dehydrated meat.

5. Mayonnaise Made with Seed Oils

Most store-bought mayonnaise is made with soybean oil, a highly processed seed oil. Soybean oil goes through multiple chemical processes and is often genetically modified. It’s also high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can contribute to inflammation. Look for mayonnaise made with healthier oils like avocado oil. Brands like Primal Kitchen and Chosen Foods offer great alternatives.

6. Sweetened and Flavored Yogurt

Many flavored yogurts contain more sugar per ounce than ice cream, along with artificial colorings and flavorings. These yogurts can support harmful gut bacteria due to their high sugar content. Instead, choose plain, whole-fat, grass-fed yogurt or kefir. You can add your own fresh berries for natural sweetness and extra nutrients.

7. Soy Protein

Soy protein is a cheap, heavily processed ingredient found in many foods. It can disrupt gut health and may contain traces of chemicals used in its extraction. Avoid soy protein isolates and choose real, whole protein sources like meat, eggs, fish, and seafood.

Bringing it all together…

Being aware of these seven common but unhealthy food choices can help you make better decisions at the grocery store. By opting for natural, minimally processed alternatives, you can improve your overall health and well-being. Small changes in your diet can lead to significant benefits over time, so start replacing these unhealthy options today!