The Right Way to Optimize Your Testosterone Levels

Hey Angels and Alphas,

Testosterone, often associated with male vitality, strength, and sexual drive, plays a crucial role in a range of bodily functions. It’s produced primarily in the testes and contributes to muscle mass, bone density, and reproductive health.

While it is often seen as the key to masculinity, testosterone isn’t just about muscle and aggression—it’s more complex and can vary widely between individuals. Here’s what you need to know about testosterone, how it changes with age, and how you can optimize it naturally.

Understanding Testosterone

Testosterone is a sex hormone present in both men and women, although men have much higher levels. In women, it’s produced in smaller quantities by the ovaries and adrenal glands. Testosterone plays an essential role in muscle development, sexual function, bone strength, and mood regulation. A healthy level of testosterone contributes to physical health and cognitive function.

Many people believe that higher testosterone is always better, but the reality is more nuanced. Testosterone levels follow a continuum: too little can lead to problems like reduced muscle mass and libido, while too much can result in issues like heart damage, blood clots, and mood swings. The goal is to maintain a balanced level within a healthy range.

The Decline of Testosterone with Age

It’s natural for testosterone levels to decline as men age, starting in their 40s. On average, men experience a 1 to 2 percent drop in testosterone per year. By the time a man reaches 75, his levels may be significantly lower compared to his younger years.

However, this gradual decline doesn’t necessarily mean a person has low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism. Low testosterone is more severe and can lead to fatigue, decreased sex drive, and even weaker bones. It’s more common in men over 45, particularly those with conditions like obesity or type 2 diabetes.

If someone is experiencing these symptoms, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional who can evaluate their testosterone levels and rule out other factors like poor sleep, stress, or underlying health issues.

Misconceptions About Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has become increasingly popular, particularly through men’s health clinics that promote testosterone enhancement. TRT can be beneficial for men diagnosed with hypogonadism, but it’s not a catch-all solution. Many men attribute feelings of low energy or poor mood to testosterone, when in fact, these could stem from lifestyle factors like inadequate sleep or chronic stress.

Before considering TRT, it’s important to seek a thorough medical evaluation. A specialist can assess not just total testosterone but other relevant hormones like estrogen to ensure the treatment is truly necessary.

The Link Between Testosterone and Behavior

There is a widespread belief that testosterone leads to aggressive, impulsive behavior. However, research shows that testosterone’s impact on behavior is much more complex. Both high and low levels of testosterone can lead to irritability. Additionally, individual personality, upbringing, and social context influence how testosterone affects behavior. For example, in certain situations, higher testosterone levels may lead to assertiveness, while in others, it may foster more nurturing behaviors.

Natural Ways to Optimize Testosterone

While there is no shortage of supplements and quick-fix solutions promising to boost testosterone, the most effective methods are rooted in basic lifestyle changes. Here are seven evidence-based strategies to help optimize testosterone naturally:

1. Maintain a Balanced Diet

Caloric restriction, especially over an extended period, can lead to lower testosterone levels. Your body prioritizes essential functions like brain activity and movement over reproduction, meaning a chronically low-calorie intake can suppress testosterone. If you’re consistently under-eating, consider adding more high-quality calories to your diet, focusing on protein and healthy carbohydrates.

2. Prioritize Sleep

Testosterone levels follow a circadian rhythm, peaking in the morning and dipping at night. During sleep, testosterone production increases, particularly during the first phase of rapid eye movement (REM). Sleep disorders like sleep apnea can disrupt this process, lowering testosterone levels. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night to support hormone production.

3. Maintain a Healthy Body Composition

Excess body fat can negatively affect testosterone by increasing estrogen levels and producing more of the stress hormone cortisol. However, having too little body fat can also reduce testosterone. Strive for a balanced body composition through regular exercise and a healthy diet to support optimal hormone levels.

4. Exercise Regularly

Physical activity, particularly resistance training, is associated with increased testosterone. Strength training two to three times a week is a great way to boost levels. Endurance exercises, when done at moderate intensity, can also help, but overtraining without sufficient recovery can suppress testosterone.

5. Follow a Nutritious Diet

A diet rich in whole foods supports testosterone production and overall health. Diets like the Mediterranean diet, which emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, are linked to better heart and reproductive health. In contrast, diets high in processed foods and sugar can lead to hormonal imbalances.

6. Manage Stress

Chronic stress elevates cortisol, which can inhibit testosterone production. While short-term stressors may increase testosterone, long-term stress has the opposite effect. Managing stress through relaxation techniques, proper work-life balance, and physical activity can help maintain healthy testosterone levels.

7. Prevent Zinc Deficiency

Zinc plays a crucial role in testosterone production. While supplementation should only be considered if a deficiency is present, ensuring adequate zinc intake through diet is essential. Foods like meat, shellfish, and legumes are excellent sources of zinc.


Testosterone is a vital hormone that affects many aspects of health. Its levels naturally decrease with age, but this decline doesn’t necessarily lead to health issues. In some cases, lifestyle changes can be enough to optimize testosterone. For those who experience significant drops in testosterone, professional medical advice and treatment may be necessary. Maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy sleep habits are simple yet effective ways to support testosterone levels and overall well-being.